研究專長: 非營利組織管理、組織靈性、行銷管理、社會企業
授課領域: 非營利組織宗教服務類型、非營利組織的行銷與募款

  • 期刊論文
年度 論文名稱
2018 黃浩然,「Social Innovation in Suicide Prevention: A Case Study of Taiwan Lifeline International」,Fu Jen Management Review <25>卷, <1>期 (2018-01-01) :1-22 (Others)
2017 黃浩然,「The Influences of Faith-Based Organizations Spiritual Management on Human Resource Development-In the Case of Christian FBO」,Fu Jen Management Review <24>卷, <3>期 (2017-09-06) :61-82 (Others)
2017 黃浩然,「The Social Dimensions of Social Enterprise」,Fu Jen Management Review <24>卷, <1>期 (2017-01-24) :103-124 (Others)
2015 黃浩然,「Starting a Business is Not an Easy Business: Relationship Between Resilience and Entrepreneurial Intention」,MERC Global’s International Journal of Management <3>卷, <2>期 (2015-04-01) :56-78 (Others)
2014 黃浩然、 李禮孟,「Corporate Social Responsibility through Service Redesign: The Role of Social Enterprise」,Community development journal <152>卷, 期 (2014-12-31) :151-162 (Others)
2014 黃浩然、 李禮孟、 胡哲生,「An Architectural Innovation Approach to Re-designing Businesses and Products for Sustainability」,Journal of economics and Sustainable Development <5>卷, <5>期 (2014-05-01) :86-92 (Others)
2014 黃浩然、 李建賢、 高慈薏、 胡哲生,「A Study on the Conceptualization of Apparel Brand」,International Review of Management and Business Research <3>卷, <1>期 (2014-03-01) :24-37 (Others)
2013 黃浩然、 胡哲生,「 The Effect of Personal Spiritual Needs on Organizational Spirituality Adoption」,Fu Jen Management Review (Special Edition of Social Enterprise) <20>卷, <1>期 (2013-01-01) :127-148 (Others)
2012 黃浩然、 胡哲生、 李建賢、 高慈薏,「Understanding Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Sports Organizations」, International Business Research <5>卷, <12>期 (2012-11-01) :46-58
2012 黃浩然、 胡哲生、 張子揚,「Dual-Value Driven Parallel Operating Systems and Interrelations of Resources in Social Enterprise」, International Journal of Business and Management <7>卷, <22>期 (2012-10-01) :86-99
2012 黃浩然、 張子揚、 李建賢,「Mapping Spiritual Care Service Quality in Marketization」,Australian Journal of Business and Management Research <1>卷, <3>期 (2012-03-01) :7-18 (Others)
2012 黃浩然、 胡哲生,「A study on the Hesitance in Organizational Spirituality Adoption」,Journal of Entrepreneurship Research <7>卷, <1>期 (2012-03-01) :85-108 (Others)
2012 黃浩然、 胡哲生、 張子揚,「The Relations of Social Entrepreneurship Models and Resources Integration in Social Enterprise」,Journal of Entrepreneurship Research <7>卷, <1>期 (2012-03-01) :1-26 (Others)
2011 黃浩然、 胡哲生,「A Study on the Conceptualization of Folk Religion Temple Donation」,International Journal of Business and Management <6>卷, <7>期 (2011-11-01) :94-104
2011 黃浩然、 胡哲生,「 Why Do People Hesitate? Perceived Risk in Workplace Spirituality」,International Journal of Business and Management <6>卷, <11>期 (2011-11-01) :57-66
2011 黃浩然、 胡哲生,「What Motivates People? A Value Perspective on Interactive Workplace Spirituality」,輔仁管理評論 <18>卷, <1>期 (2011-01-01) :27-52
年度 論文名稱
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服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位